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NOTE: The information in this blog does not constitute the practice of medicine, and does not replace the advice of your health care provider.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Spotlight on Herbs: Angelica

Angelica Archangelica looks a bit like celery; it is a perennial that grows to around 2 metres high. If you prevent it from flowering the plant will live longer, so nip off those flowers to keep the plant alive!

Angelica Archangelica
All parts of Angelica archangelica are edible, but make sure you have identified the plant correctly, as it resembles Hemlock which is poisonous!!

Traditionally the stalks are candied for use in cake decorations, and leaves which are sweet can be added to fruit dishes, or even some savoury foods to add a sweet contrast.

Medicinally, a tea made from the leaves and ground dry root can be taken to help soothe nervous conditions, and the stems when chewed may relieve stomach gas and bloating.

Angelica when made into a salve, liniment or ointment can be applied to the skin to assist in relieving nerve pain (Neuralgia) and joint pain (such as Rheumatism).

CAUTION: Due to the sugar content Angelica should not be given to people who have Diabetes.

As Angelica is an emmanagogue it should be avoided when pregant

Due to the presence of furanocoumarins prolonged use of Angelica may cause skin photosensitivity or Dermatitis

 NOTE: The information in this blog does not constitute the practice of medicine, and does not replace the advice of your health care provider.

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