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NOTE: The information in this blog does not constitute the practice of medicine, and does not replace the advice of your health care provider.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Be aware of how natural supplements may effect your prescribed medications

Herbal remedies, vitamin and mineral supplements, aromatherapy, and other naturally based therapies are nothing new. Surprisingly however, despite them being around for a long time, it seems that there are still some users of alternative therapies that may not understand that although these remedies are natural they can still be considered medicines and need to be used with the same care that is used with prescribed traditional medicines.

When you are at a Doctor and they ask you what other medication you are using, do you ever consider also telling them about any alternative therapies you are using?

For example, say you were on a prescription to thin your blood, (Warfarin is a commonly used medicine for this) and you were also taking a large amount of Ginseng which is also a blood thinner, the two together could have a major impact on the condition of your blood, thinning it to a dangerous level. 

So if you were taking large amounts of Ginseng, would you tell the Doctor when he asks what other medication you are on? Or would you feel that it is herbal, a natural thing, so its not a medicine? 

Please be careful when taking natural supplements at medicinal/therapeutic levels , they are medicines, and need to be treated with the same care as your traditional pharmaceuticals.


Potential Interactions Between Alternative Therapies and Warfarin
 NOTE: The information in this blog does not constitute the practice of medicine, and does not replace the advice of your health care provider.

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